Albany at Dusk

It’s been on my mind for a few years now, at least since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, how have I not been keeping any record of the work I’ve done. The past 20 years in the tech space have flown by and what I know at this stage of my career is uneven at best. My experiences to this point have been a mile wide but only an inch deep.

So, here’s my plan, my current skills set of Python, Azure and Data Analysis skills all need to be improved. Every week I plan to work through a new topic or technology to get a taste and maybe integrate it into the work that I’m doing. Over time I want to be able to measure my progress, how do my designs get more sophisticated, my code become more correct.

My tech stack that I have planned will be just a basic Azure Blob Storage account along with the static site generator Hugo. This will be a start, where it goes from here, I can’t be sure, but I’m excited to get started and to get to work.

Walter Hill